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Preparing your home for baby arrival

Writer: Karine RobitailleKarine Robitaille

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

Preparing your home for your little baby goes beyond preparing the baby's room and making the necessary purchases. With my first child, there are a lot of things I didn't know and I had to quickly make small adjustments. For example, I had a rocking chair, but I hadn't thought of all the essentials that would be nice to have on hand. Similarly, I realized that giving the bath in the bathtub was giving me a back sore. I had created a beautiful environment, but I hadn't given enough thought to functionality and ergonomics. It's so important. I learned a lot on the spot and I am sharing my precious discoveries with you!

Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding station

In a room where you could be calm and comfortable.

It is ideal to have a light that can be dimmed or a small night light for evening and night drinking.

It is practical if there is an electrical outlet nearby to be able to charge your cell phone and with possibly a long charging cable.

-chair (rocking chair or comfortable chair, possibly sofa if needed)

- nursing pillow or pillow

-a small simple piece of furniture where you can place the following essentials in a small basket

- lanolin-type cream (sold in pharmacies, to protect and heal if nipple lesion)

-disposable or washable nursing pads

- burp blankets and washcloths

- blanket for swaddling

- bottle of water and snack of your choice

-tissue box

- small trash can

-some magazines if you like to read

Tip: use a travel pillow!

When I was breastfeeding at night in my rocking chair, I liked to use a travel pillow to relax more.

Diaper changing station

If you have a two-storey house, having a changing station on the ground floor is very practical and will save you a lot of steps! Especially the first months, baby would need to be changed frequently and this, often at the same time or after feeding. Several options:

- have a changing table on the ground floor

- use a changing mat

To have on hand:

- diapers and wipes (ideally unscented, it's better for baby's skin)

- hand sanitizer

- washcloth (for face and neck washcloth as needed)

- spare clothes and some pajamas

-small basket with the following essentials: q-tip (to clean the navel), zinc cream (for redness on the buttocks), moisturizing cream, small jar of petroleum jelly (for meconium stools in the first few days to prevent they stick to the buttocks!), nail clipper, small hairbrush

-blanket (personally, this is often where I swaddle my little babies)

- garbage can to put diapers

A few tips for odors:

-You can use a garbage that helps eliminate odors (for example: genie diaper).

-You can pack the bathroom diaper in small bags for dog poop and in addition, there are biodegradable ones. Economical, there are even some at Dollorama!

-Or you can simply change the garbage can more often.

Tips when baby gets older and curious:

- it is useful to have a few small toys within reach in order to interact and distract baby during the diaper change.

- you can put stickers on the wall that can capture his attention.

For baby bath

Determine where you would like to bathe baby. Especially if you are tall, it can be a very good idea to work at your height. For example, you can put the bath on the kitchen counter or for us, we also did it above the washer.

To have on hand:

-baby soap

- washcloth

- towel for drying

- small container to pour water on baby

-take back the small basket of essentials from the diaper changing station

-and of course, the bath!

Baby's room

Determine where you would like little baby to sleep. I encourage you to be flexible in your plan, baby may not want to sleep alone in his room at first and it can be helpful to think of several alternatives.

Several options for the first months:

-baby sleeps in his crib in his room

-baby sleeps in a small cradle or bassinet in your room

-if you opt for co-sleeping, here are the recommendations on this site.

If you have a two-story house, it can be helpful to have a small bassinet for baby's naps for the first few months.

Your baby should sleep on their back on a firm mattress. For more instructions, you can consult the guide From Tiny Tot to Toddler.

- sleep safe and also precautions to prevent SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

I wish you a birth in full confidence



Hi there!

I am Karine.

I created Birthing with Confidence (prenatal classes and workshops | Postnatal follow-up | Breastfeeding support | Blog) to help YOU have a better birth and times with your little baby. I want to support you in this great adventure!

I dare to believe in yourself!

Let's connect together! You can contact me and follow me on facebook, instagram and pinterest.



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