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Everything you need to know about diaper bag

Yes, it's an essential when you're about to go out with baby. Here are all my recommendations and suggestions, plus a full list of what to put in it.

Choosing a good bag

We find a lot of them shoulder bag. Personally, I didn't like it too much. I find the bag always slips off my shoulders and I find it rather cumbersome. My favorite? The backpack is just great and it allows me to have my hands free.

You can:

- buy one that is designed to be a diaper bag (starting from $40)

- or simply reuse a backpack (ideally with several pockets to divide the container and waterproof).

What to put inside?

□ Diaper

□ Changing pad

□ Baby wipes

□ Small bag to put dirty diapers or dirty clothes

□ Hand sanitizer

□ Change of clothes

□ Burp cloth

□ Washcloth

□ Breastfeeding cover (if you wish and it makes you more comfortable)

□ Blanket for swaddling

□ Pacifiers (if you want)

□ Tylenol (always good to have just in case)

□ Snack and water for mum (for a long outing)

⭐️ Tip#1

Often, I only take the diaper bag when I go out with baby (and no purse ). Less things to cary and to loss. For the first month, I therefore add a few more sanitary pads and nursing pads.

⭐️ Tip #2

I hide diapers and baby wipes under one of the seats in my car. If I forgot my bag, it's very practical! Because of course, the time I forget my diaper bag, my little baby will have a massive poop!

⭐️Tip #3

After an outing, I make sure as much as possible to restock my diaper bag. So the next time I want to go out with baby, I can do it easily and with less hassle😉

Tada! You are ready.

I wish you a birth in full confidence



Hi there!

I am Karine.

I created Birthing with Confidence (prenatal classes and workshops | Postnatal follow-up | Breastfeeding support | Blog) to help YOU have a better birth and times with your little baby. I want to support you in this great adventure!

I dare to believe in yourself!

Let's connect together! You can contact me and follow me on facebook, instagram and pinterest.

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