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Expecting a child and giving birth is a significant and significant event in a life. It is the definitive birth of 3 individuals:


Mom, partner and little baby. It's a magical, transformative, key moment.


Experience childbirth according to your vision and be an active member of it.

I want to give back the power of childbirth to you who are giving birth! You have your say. Your knowledge will lead you to make informed choices that match your values. All while remaining open-minded because a birth is full of unexpected events! Thus, you put all the chances on your side to better experience this birth.

Gain confidence in yourself and your ability to give birth.

Giving birth does not have to be a stressful, difficult and pain-focused experience as often shown in movies. I want to give you the means to facilitate a smooth and progressing labor. I want to invite you to change your perspective on childbirth to approach it serenely and positively. I would also like to remind you that childbirth is innate and instinctive: your mind does not know, but your body knows and so does your baby.


ʺIf you are convinced that your body is made to give birth efficiently, naturally and without complications, that birth is a happy event, you are already halfway to a safe and natural birth. Positive beliefs and attitudes contribute to a happy birth, allowing the mother to have a more effective labor and to open a passage for her baby with less effort.

Carl Jones, Mind over Labor


Gain confidence in caring for your newborn

Becoming a parent is not something you learn from books. However, by taking my prenatal classes or reading the articles on my blog, you will be able to get a head start! I share with you slices of my experience, thoughts, a little perspective and even what I call my secrets for living the postnatal period better.

Knowing better what to expect after birth for baby, mother and partner is very enlightening.

My training is intended to be very practical and concrete , both for taking care of babies and for caring for Mom.

In addition, I encourage you to ask yourself: How would you like to experience this beautiful period? I encourage you to discuss it, to anticipate and to plan. You will be able to strengthen your communication and teamwork skills to get off on the right foot.

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