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Approching childbirth with serenity by taking prenatal classes

Writer: Karine RobitailleKarine Robitaille

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

Before a birth, there are always a lot of things to do and prepare. Despite this whirlwind of activities, one of the most important steps is taking prenatal classes. Pregnant with my first baby, I had omitted this preparation. Too busy, not finding prenatal classes that fit our schedule, I thought maybe it wasn't that important. I had attended a few births during my training as a nurse and I had looked after many young children, I told myself that this should still be a good base. So, I reviewed my perinatal books to refresh my notions and I consulted the Internet. BIG MISTAKE! Well, let me tell you that I definitively should have sign for those classes!

Many studies show that couples who are well prepared will experience birth more calmly and more positively. In a matter of fact, they will:

- use less medication

-have a lower rate of assisted delivery and caesarean section

-will experience less pain during labor

-possibly labor would be faster

- will often experience the birth better and remember it in a more positive way

Why is it beneficial to take prenatal classes?

1. To know what to expect

When you are expecting the birth of your first baby (and even for the other babies, as each birth can be different), there are so many unknowns. Prenatal classes allow you to demystify this great gray cloud. You will be able to understand better the course of childbirth, the different phases of labor, when to go to the hospital and so on. Knowing what to expect is key.

2. To reassure yourself and facilitate a easier birth

The unknown of childbirth can very often cause anxiety and apprehension. As you will learn, anxiety and fears are major obstacles to an easier and happy birth. In fact, stress generates adrenaline and this hormone can slow down or even stop labor. In addition, if the mother is anxious and physically tense, she is likely to experience labor with more pain. By working on her state of mind, Mom gives herself every chance to experience an easier and faster labor.

3. To be able to reflect and develop your vision of birth

Every birth is different and there are many different ways to experience birth. Prenatal classes give you the opportunity to stop and ask yourself this question: how would you like to experience the birth? Because you have the choice and you have your say.

In addition to encouraging this questioning, prenatal classes allow you to be aware of your rights and know the different options. You will be able to understand the routine follow-up in pregnancy, your admission to hospital and if need be, the different medical interventions (their nature, their indication and the alternatives). Thus, you will be able to make informed choices and advocate for yourself.

4. To be able to prepare optimally

A large part of prenatal classes is normally to give you concrete tools and strategies to be able to cope better with contraction. To name a few techniques, you will learn about the different positions to promote a good progression of work, breathing, muscle relaxation, pressure points, massages, visualization, use of ice / heat ... There are also more specific approaches such as sophrology, the Bonapace method, hypnosis for childbirth, etc. Without preparation, it can be very difficult to learn and practice the techniques during labor.

Many prenatal classes also prepare you for the postnatal period. It's an essential!! This period can be challenging as childbirth and preparing for it can make a huge difference in your transition to becoming parents! Again, knowing what to expect can help you prepare even better. In addition, being well informed avoids many questions and many searches on the internet. By practicing baby care, you will feel much more confident and skilled! Also, if you want to breastfeed, it is very beneficial to educate yourself, become familiar and know the resources.

5. To involve your partner

For Mom, waiting for her baby is often very concrete, but for the partner, it can be abstract. Taking prenatal classes together is a concrete demonstration of your interest and your involvement. In addition, it will allow you to be able to support better Mom during labor.

You will start well this adventure of parenthood by being and working as a team.

6. To be able to connect with other parents

Many prenatal classes give you the opportunity to get to know other parents who are expecting their baby around the same time as you. It is often a pleasure to exchange, to understand each other and to support each other. As a wise proverb says: raising a child takes a community. Well, you can already start knowing and building your community!

In conclusion:

By taking prenatal classes, you are giving yourself the opportunity to have a better birth experience AND live better the post-natal period.

As a nurse on the birthing unit, we see the difference, as much for the delivery as for the first times with little treasure. Instead of being filled with doubts and anxiety, yearn for confidence.

So, I encourage you and I want to motivate you: sign up for prenatal classes! You will see and experience the difference, you will be really happy with your choice.


There are many prenatal class options.

Here are the ones I created for you.


Hi there!

I am Karine.

I created Birthing with Confidence (prenatal classes and workshops | Postnatal follow-up | Breastfeeding support | Blog) to help YOU have a better birth and times with your little baby. I want to support you in this great adventure!

I dare to believe in yourself!

Let's connect together! You can contact me and follow me on facebook, instagram and pinterest.



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